当初の面積は、184坪(607㎡)しかなかったが、大正8年(1919年)に隣接の土地を買収し、466坪(1,538㎡)となった。 この時に、周りをレンガ塀で囲み、現在のような体裁となった。
墓地内には、総檜造り瓦屋根の祠堂や「中華義塚」と彫られた石碑、炉跡のほかに、知られているだけでも9基の石碑と 4基の木碑がある。
Chinese Graveyard
There have been Chinese people living in Hakodate since the late 1860s, with most engaged in the fishing industry.
This graveyard was created in 1876 when six Chinese people rented some land from the local development office in order to bury some compatriates who had drowned in the Tsugaru Strait. It was only 607 m2 in area at the beginning. Through the purchase of neighboring land in 1919, the graveyard was extended to 1,538 m2 and enclosed by a brick wall, giving it its present appearance.
In the graveyard are several monuments including a tiled roof shrine made of Japanese cypress and a stone monument for those who had no one to grieve for them (called Chinese Gicho).
The graveyard has been managed by local Chinese residents for generations. Every year in April and August they hold a ceremony in which they burn paper money to pray for the souls of their ancestors.