船見支院は、日本最初の鉄筋コンクリート寺院として名高い元町の東本願寺函館別院の墓地を管理するため、明治37年 (1904年)に建てられたもので、現在の建物は大正15年(1926年)に完成した。
この寺の墓地には、安政3年(1856年)幕府が箱館に設置した諸術調所(洋学の高等教育専門機関)の教授役で、五稜郭や 弁天台場を設計監督した武田斐三郎の妻、美那子夫人の墓がある。
また、安政3年(1856年)日本最初の西洋型船「箱館丸」を建造した続豊治(明治13年82歳で没)のほか、明治期の函館発展 に活躍した著名人の墓が多い。
The Funami Branch of the Hakodate Higashi-Honganji Temple
The Funami Branch of the Hakodate Higashi-Honganji Temple was built in 1904 to manage the graveyard of the main temple, which was the first temple constructed of reinforced concrete in Japan. The present temple was completed after reconstruction in 1926.
Among the many people buried here is Takeda Minako. She was the wife of Takeda Ayasaburo, a professor of the Institute of Western Studies established in Hakodate in 1856. He designed and supervised the construction of Goryokaku and the Benten Fort. Minako was a sister of Kojima Matajiro, the mayor and shopowner who made a written record of Commodore Perry’s visit to Japan. Minako died at the age of twenty seven, only eight years after she married Ayasaburo.
Tsuzuki Toyoharu, a ship designer and carpenter who built the Hakodate-maru, the first Japanese Western-style ship, is also buried here. He died in 1880 at the age of 27.

代表作に「石井鶴三像」、「乞食老人」、「平櫛田中像」、「若きカフカス人」等がある。「平櫛田中像」は、かのブルーデルをして、これが 彫刻だ」と絶賛され、なかでも「若きカフカス人」は、日本近代彫塑の指針を示す作品であり、荻原守衛、高村光太郎とともに、一本の柱となっている。
1983年12月 赤光社美術協会
Nakahara Teijiro’s Grave
Nakahara Teljiro was a pioneer of modern Japanese sculpture. He originally aspired to be a painter, but after being impressed by the works of Ogiwara Morle and Rodin, he started sculpting. He placed some of his sculptures in the Ministry of Eduction-sposored Bunten Exhibition in 1910. He received the Chogyu Awards at the third annual Japanese Art Association’s Inten Exhibition and was invited to become a member of the association two years later.
His masterpieces include works entitled “A Figure of Ishii Tsuruzo”. “An Old Beggar. ‘A Young Caucasian”, and a sculpture which received ardent praise from the famous French sculptor Bourdelle: A Figure of Hiragushi Denchu”. His sculpture ‘A Young Caucsian is regarded as an art piece that promised a new dawn of modern Japanese sculpture. He, together with Ogiwara Morle and Takamra Kotaro, formed a distinct style of Japanese fine arts.
Nakahara’s grandfather owned a rice-processing business in Hakodate. The family moved to Kushiro where his father started businesses in shipping, trading and fishery. Nakahara was born in 1888 as the second son, and was adopted by his uncle who lived in Asahikawa when he was nine years old. He ran away from the Sapporo junior high school he attended in order to pursue his dream of becoming an artist. He died at the age of thirty-three of complications from tuberculosis and overwork.
Although Nakahara dedicated his life to his art, he left only 11 pieces of sculpture which were created during a ten-year period.
He now rests in the family grave alongside with his biological father, Chujiro.
