
石川啄木の歌に、「むやむやと 口の中にてたふとげの事を呟く 乞食もありき」というのがあるが、この乞食こそ明治から大正にかけての函館の名物男で名を万平といった。
Manpei’s Grave
Ishikawa Takuboku, a famous poet, once wrote about a beggar who walked around muttering precious and virtuous utterances to himself. This character was based on a real person, Manpei, a popular man who lived in Hakodate during the late 19th and early 20th centuries.
He was a man of great spirit and good humor, and was never known to ask for alms. Every morning he searched through garbage cans for food and wrote a simple description of each household he visited like a diary.
For instance, “November 1, 1906. Fine. First I went to rummage through the garbage can of Yamada Kunihiko (Mayor of Hakodate) Mr. Yamada’s wife lives a most civilized life, as can be expected. Finding a piece of pork fat with some radish peelings in the garbage, I suppose she is now learning Western cooking…”
When Fujioka Sobei, an ironmaster in Osaka, came to Hakodate on business, he asked Manpei to light his cigarette. He was rebuked by Manpei for his impoliteness to have asked “without taking off his hat”.
Fujioka was so deeply impressed by Manpei’s character that after Manpei died in 1915 he built a gravestone for the repose of Manpei’s soul with the help of his friends in Hakodate.
- 「乞食 万平」、啄木スケッチ 函館市 森武のブログ、閲覧日2021年10月10日