実行寺は、明暦元年(1655年)、山ノ上町(現弥生町)で清寛という僧が草庵を結んだのが始まりといわれ、元禄3年(1690年) 松前の日蓮宗法華寺の末寺となったが、実行寺と称するようになったのはいつ頃からか明らかではない。(明治17年山梨県身延山久遠寺の末寺に編入。)
その後も幾度か大火に見まわれ、大正7年(1918年)現在の建物が完成した。 安政元年(1854年)ペリー来航時には実行寺にスタジオが設けられ、そこで行われた写真術は、市民を驚かせた。翌年には、フランス軍艦シビル号(艦隊ではなく軍艦)が入港し、実行寺が多数の疾病水兵の養生所となった。また、ロシア領事着任当初の同5年(1858年)には領事館としても利用された。
また、明治2年(1869年)箱館戦争終結後、旧幕府脱走軍戦死者の遺体が市中に放置されたままになっていたとき、住職が 侠客柳川熊吉と相談して、寺に葬ったという美談も残されている。
Jitsugyo-ji Temple
The original building of Jitsugyo-ji Temple is said to have been a thatched hut built by a Buddhist priest named Seikan in Yamanoue-cho (now Yayoi-cho) in 1655. Although the temple became a branch temple of Hokke-ji Temple of the Nichiren sect in Matsumae in 1690, it is not certain as to when it was named Jitsugyo-ji Temple.
The temple was moved to Tomioka-cho (now Yayoi-cho) in 1714 and finally to its present location in 1881 after a big fire in 1879. The current building was completed in 1918 after another series of destructive fires.
When Commodore Perry and his crew arrived in Hakodate in 1854, locals were surprised to see them taking photographs in a makeshift studio in Jitsugyo-ji Temple. The next year, when the French warship “Civil” called in at the port, the temple was used to house and treat a number of ill sailors. In 1858 the first Russian consul arrived in Hakodate and was based here until the official consulate building was completed.
We also have the following praiseworthy episode. When the Battle of Hakodate ended in 1869, the bodies of fallen shogunate soldiers remained as they fell, because the new government prohibited people from taking care of them. The chief priest of the Jitsugyo-ji temple cooperated with Yanagawa Kumakichi, popular figure in Hakodate, to collect the corpses and buried them in his temple.